Friday, February 28, 2014


I have often thought what it would be like to be famous. I really do not know if I would like it. I mean the money would be great but it seems to me that you have to give up a lot. When I go places nobody usually knows me so I can get around without much excitement. If I was famous everybody would be coming up to you for your autograph or for a picture. Then if you are in a hurry and don't do what they want they say that you are rude. Your free time is not really your own unless you just stay at home. I do believe that some people do like the attention but for the most part a lot of them I guess would like to be left alone. The problem is when you become famous that is part of the deal. Everybody wants to know everything about you so even your long past gets involved. Then you have to deal with your new found wealth. When a person did not grow up with that kind of money and now you have money to burn it can be a little overwhelming. I have seen in the news and papers just what instant wealth can do. When you can get anything you want and no longer really have to work for it, the things you want kind of lose their importance. I guess that is why you see some celebrities that have money but still steal. They need some kind of meaning when they get something. It does not bring them joy to go out and buy it. For me I would love not to have to worry about money but it does make the things that I can get very special. I may not be famous but I am very special and important to a few people. I do have some very good friends that I consider family, and to me when you have that you are rich beyond belief.

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